I know I keep saying it, but Lucy is just at the best stage right now. She continues to be so happy and EASY to take care of. For now, she is almost tantrum free and so kind towards others, which has definitely not always been the case. I don't have to watch her every single move, but she wants me involved still. It is a great mix and gives me a little more freedom. LOVING IT! The other day I was cleaning up and Lucy was playing in her room. I thought it was too quiet and that she was probably up to no good. I went and peeked in her room and found her sitting in our rocking chair with a pile of books. She was reading each page and pointing out to herself all of the things that we talk about on each page. She saw me watching, gave me a big smile and a HI!, and then continued on with her business. It was precious. I think that the awesome weather has made her feel great. It certainly has made me happy. We are outside most of the day. I have run everyday since last Wednesday, and I feel so great. We are all just in a happy place right now. It feels great.
Yesterday, playgroup was at our house. Lucy absolutely recognizes all of her little friends and was SO excited to have them all on her own turf. She can say each of their names. She was running around squealing she was so excited each time a new friend arrived. She is really getting comfortable with the other moms, too. She lets them pick her up and play now, which is really fun for me. After nap, Anna came over for a few hours. We watched her while her mom did a few things. We went to the park for a long while, then came home and grilled. The girls had so much fun together and I must say, I really enjoyed having two girls around! Anna and Lucy were both covered from head to toe in sand. They played in the sand box after dinner for a long time. They ended up dumping sand on their heads!
Today, we dyed easter eggs with our friends - Mandy, Anna, and Louis. It was so much fun. I have really sweet memories of decorating eggs with my mom and sisters. So glad Lucy will some day have the same. Lucy decided to put her hands in the dye, and they turned completely orange and green. There was a big blue streak on her stomach and another one on her foot. When it didn't wash off with soap and water, I got a little concerned that she was going to be really colorful for a while, but it all washed off in the bath. It was so warm here today that she got to dye eggs outside with only a diaper on. Pure heaven for this girl. She has been outside so much the past couple of days that we have had to scrub extra hard in the bath at night. Her water has been really murky both days! After the eggs, I took Lucy with me to get a pedicure. As I have said before, the girls at the salon LOVE Lucy. They were so happy to see her and could not get over her green hand. She sat on my lap and ate a grilled cheese while I got my toes pretty again.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend.
We started off trying to use the egg dipper. It didn't last long.
Starting to get our hands in the dye.
A sample of the kids' hard work. Lucy was a little rough with several of the eggs and they got cracked. Oh well, Anna loved peeling the egg shell off.
Her hands are starting to turn colors.
Lucy's special egg
Very best buds!
She could not figure these colored hands out!
She looks so big to me (lengthwise) in these pictures.
Friday, March 21, 2008
And the Fun Continues
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7:30 PM
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Great pictures! I love that you let Lucy get full of dye...you are only a kid once, right? Happy Easter!!! Ps. I am sooooo jealous of your weather...maybe we should move to Texas!
Looks like a lot of fun times outdoors! I can't believe how long her legs look in those photos!
Hi Pumpkins, all! I am so happy for you all that I could pop! Reminds me of all the fun times I had with you girls--my the time flies! So glad her little hands came clean in the bath. Lucy looking at them as to what happened--too funny! So glad your Easter goody arrived--Holly, watch for yours tomorrow. Wish I had all my girls home for Easter--but you can't even boil water around here, let alone, eggs! The pictures are great--hard to believe it's that warm already. Go Razorbacks! Love and kisses, LeeLee
CrazyCute, that kiddo is.
Thanks for letting your daughter get dirty (says the pediatric occupational therapist LOL). She is just too cute with green and yellow hands.
How nice to have found a rhythm that works for you both!
I think Lucy was a little concerned that stuff wasn't coming off. I love the one where she is looking at her hands like, what the heck is going on here.
Love ya, Pa Pa
She is such a doll! And so smart too - already 'reading' books! My oldest was like that and these days she reads a whole novel in just a few hours - it's crazy.
Happy Easter to you and Lucy!
love the dyed hands :) so cute.
aw, you guys sound SO happy! I love the dyed hands! And I'm so jealous of your playgroup. Addison is so social now, she would LOVE a regular playgroup with friends! SO proud of your running, too! Keep it up, girl!
This was such a pleasant post! Lucy does look SO much taller than Linhsey. It sounds so laid back and relaxing spending the past couple of days outside like you have.
Love that she's hanging out in her diaper! I can't wait until we get a taste of spring up North so C-man can run around in his diaper too!
ha! i loooved the"who attached these monster hands to my arms" look. she does look extra long!!!! do her feet touch the ground when you hold her!???
love that you all have had such a fun week! do you run with her in a jogging stroller? wish you all were up here! :)
Lucy has the cutest hair. We, well I, dyed the eggs yesterday. So sweet!
Wish I could have been there for the egg dying, it looks adorable. my favorite picture is Lucy still looking at her colored hands in the sand box-absolutely adorable! haha. miss you guys terribly, it's pretty sad being the only child home for Easter :( hope too see you soon!
What a fun age! Glad you some nice warm days (I am SO ready for that). Happy Easter!
Lucy sounds like so much fun right now! I don't want my little one to grow up, but at the same time, I'm looking forward to the stage Lucy is in right now - running around with friends and playing! I love all of the photos, and she DOES look really long in a few of them. BTW, thanks for the really sweet comment you left on my last post.
i swear lucy is getting more gorgeous. and your pictures are rocking!
i love that lucy was in her room reading. so sweet.
love that kid!
Happy Easter to you guys! I'm glad Lucy has been having such a blast! And high fives to you Kel, for running everyday! loves
Lucy is DARLING! We have a Lucy who's 4 1/2 and a newly adopted daughter, Lilah from Vietnam who is now 11 months old. Have followed checked in with your blog from time to time. Your Lucy has got to be thee best dressed kid EVER!!! Where do you get all of those pretty dresses?? We're wanting to adopt again and heard you might have used VORF? Could I ask you some questions about them? Let me know if that would be ok! Meantime, keep having fun with Lucy - it goes so fast!!!
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