Monday, November 05, 2007

Sleep Update

I have now had acupuncture twice for the insomnia. I go again on Friday. I am VERY VERY happy to report that I have slept really well (for me) for a week now!!!!! Can you believe it?!?! I don't know if it is the acupuncture or the herbs I am taking, but something is working. It feels so great to get some sleep. I am a new person. I feel great. It is such a relief to not be freaking out about going to sleep when I get into bed each night. I am not anxious about going to sleep at night. WOO HOO!!

Lucy STILL has congestion. It is a little better, but not great by any means. Tonight is the first night that she has not coughed for a while after she went to bed, so maybe she is finally getting some relief. Justin is all better. Thanks for thinking about my little sick family. I have been so fortunate to stay healthy.

I got to go to the Razorback football game this weekend. We beat South Carolina and the game was so much fun. Lucy stayed with my mom and dad and she did so well. I was really proud of her. Of course, she loves any time that she gets to spend with either set of grandparents because they love to spoil her! When we came to Little Rock, she was so excited to see my mom, as always. My dad was at the golf course when we got in town. When he got home, he was standing at the top of the stairs and started talking to her. Her little face lit up and she screamed, "HIIIII!!!!" and literally ran full force over to love on him. It was so sweet. She has always loved my dad, but this time she was just so excited to see him. She is so lucky to have so much love in her life and we are so lucky to have such great role models.

New words added to her vocab since I last posted: up, here it is (all one word - heretis), hi there, and birds. I think that is all. She imitates so many animals with actions: alligator, bird, crab, elephant, lion, beaver, lizard, rabbit, gorilla, monkey, giraffe, donkey, and penguin. She makes the sound of cow, cat, snake, horse, and sheep. She likes to pretend like she knows nothing when I get the camera out, so I am having a hard time documenting this. She is in love with a painting of Ringo Starr at our house and a card board cut out of Elvis at our neighbor's house. She will go to the hall and point at Ringo if we ask her where Ringo is and ahhhhhh at him. She seriously loves him! Daddy is so proud. She is trying to jump all of the time and thinks it is hilarious. She still can't get off the ground, but she gives it her all. She has stopped napping very well and therefore has moved her bed time up to 7:30 on her own. She simply can't stay awake any longer than that. I am trying to keep her progress updated, so I believe that is all for now.

Here are some really cute fall pictures from today. I got so many smiles today. Lee Lee was making her laugh.

Never drink and drive!

Carrying her worm instead of riding it

The best toy in the world - a TV box


Chandra said...

Wow she is suddenly looking so big! Has she had a growth spurt lately? She looks so much taller and more slender.

LaLa said...

Great pics of your beautiful girl. Glad you are getting sleep : )

Anonymous said...

Aaahhhhh sleep! I'm sure that makes a world of difference for you! :) Cute shoes in the cute pics!

Anonymous said...

I swear fall makes our babies look so old! It kills me! I am still drooling over your new camera - those pictures are amazing!! I'm so glad you are finally getting sleep and that Lucy is feeling a bit better. Her words are great! Addy isn't a big fan of animal immitations - sad. It is so fun!

Shawna said...

I hardly recognized Miss Lucy without a bow in her hair! Glad to hear she's feeling a bit better. Tell me, what is the sleep herb you're taking? You know I have my sleep issues too, and they've been bad this month.

K said...

I can't believe how much Lucy has changed!

I just had a thought- have you had your thyroid checked? I had sleep issues and once we got my thyroid levels in normal ranges, I slept much better. I'm glad that the acupuncture is working.

Jen said...

wow! Is she getting taller? Her hair looks longer, too! What a big girl:)

Mia's Mommy said...

Kelly, Lucy looks so much older. I can't get over it!. The long hair and she looks so much taller. She looks like a little girl now!

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog today and wanted to say hi. It is always good to meet another Razorback fan! Your pictures of Lucy are adorable!

Lynn said...

I almost didn't recognize Lucy without her signature hair bow! She looks so much the big girl. Don't you love how you buy all these toys, but give them a box....and they are set. We call them "anything box" as the box can be anything the child wants! Truly magic!