Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Nothing lightens the mood a bit like a little laughter. For those of you who follow this blog, I usually post videos of Lucy laughing because it makes me so happy and I hope it makes someone else smile or giggle a bit. So here you go, two very happy videos. Can you tell she LOVES to be chased? And for those of you who commented several posts ago about how big she was looking, you are right. She is so tall and looking more and more like a little girl and not a baby every day. She is really skinny, but she has been eating like a horse for about a month now and I can tell she is putting on some pounds. One day those ribs won't show!

In big Lucy news, she is getting her first hair cut tomorrow. We are only letting them trim the back up. It is getting a bit scraggly back there. Be looking for pictures. I am 99% sure she will cry the entire time. She seems to be extra scared of strangers when we are out in public. For instance, she cried when the shoe lady measured her foot. She did get the cutest new tennis shoes the other day. They make her look so big!

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LaLa said...

Super cute...hope your "trim" doesn't turn out like ours : )

Stepping On Legos said...

awww, I love her laugh, it's so contagious! And I LOVE the piggies! I think I like them better than the bows!!! Good luck with the cut. I was going to warn you to read Lala's blog first but she beat me to it! haha

Chandra said...

Thanks for sharing Kelly. I think everyone in adoptionland could use a laugh right now and a giggling baby should always do it!

Carissa said...

I loved the videos of her laughing! SO cute!

My Busy Life said...

She is the cutest little girl! Seriously just the cutest little girl!! I love her beautiful giggles! What a precious.....I miss the days when my kids were little like that. Now I have a nephew on the way, and I can't wait to experience all of that all over again! Thank you for sharing those giggles! It sure did bring a smile to my face.

Jenny said...

doing a cams with no bangs! Cammie was totally fine. No tears. Just alot of head moving. She wasn't afraid.

Mia screamed. so good luck with that...but it was more the lights and hair dryers and loads of people.

Mer (Lulu's Mommy) said...


Mia's Mommy said...

Kelly, how precious is her little giggle! I'm so glad you posted that. Good luck with the hair trim. I just can't get over how long her hair is. Make sure they keep it long enough so you can still get Lucy Bows in it!

Rachel said...

I love her laugh! She is too precious. I hope the trim went well!

Anonymous said...

SO cute! It's hard to tell who is having more fun!

Susan said...

What a happy little girl! Isn't it crazy that things such as your toes can incite such giggles? I love it. Good luck at the salon.

Sherri said...

Your toes. You never know what they are going to find funny. I love hearing her laugh.