I know, terrible blogger. As I said on Annie's blog, I am trying to figure out how to balance 2 babies now and make sure that everyone gets the attention that they need. It is a work in progress, but we are definitely getting there. I have been most concerned about bath and bedtime when I am here alone, but we successfully did both last night, so I know we can do it! Justin is back so I won't have to worry about that for a while. It is so much easier when there are two people, especially at bath time.
Lucy and Annie have the complete opposite personalities, and I just love it. It is so fun to notice all of the differences and what I love so much about both. As I have said many times and those who have met her know, Lucy is a pretty serious child around strangers. She would literally never smile at a stranger and would never go to a stranger. She has always been like this. It took a long time once we were home with her for her to be comfortable going to anyone other than me or Justin. She is head over heels in love with all of her grandparents now, but Nana and Lee Lee hold the most special place in her heart. She is finally comfortable with my sisters and Justin's sister. She loves Mandy and Christy in special ways, but that is pretty much it for her. She likes several of her little friend's moms, but is still very hesitant around them. She has to see someone LOTS of times and in a comfortable setting before she will start to open up to a specific person. She will play and have fun out of the house around other people, but it takes her a while and I have to always be right by her side in order for her to feel safe. You have to earn Lucy's trust, but once you are in, you will always be in. People feel very very special when Lucy opens up to them and it makes me smile. I like that she is reserved around people she doesn't know. She would never run off in a store, walk off with someone she didn't know, etc. She is very cautious. Unfortunately, sometimes her little personality comes off in a "snooty" kind of way, but it is not that she is snooty, she just needs her time and space. This was hard for the Vietnamese to understand when we were just there since they are so hands on. She hated when they all wanted to touch her and hold her. It made her very uncomfortable and they just didn't get that. Most of the time when they would touch her arm, she would shrug away and wipe her arm where they touched. It is funny to me, but comes across quite rudely to others. I don't know where she would even pick something like that up. I think it is just a natural reaction for her. She is my intelligent, quiet, reserved, non-touchy, cautious little girl and I love her just the way she is. Again, this is only around strangers. She is always a studier and a thinker. She can focus on a detailed task for long periods of time. She is quite a different child when we are at home with just our family. She is a nonstop talker, full of laughter, busy body at our house.
Annie is really starting to show her personality to us. She is going to be our super friendly, easy going, always smiling child. I am sure we will have to keep a close eye on her because she just loves people and wants to smile and coo at everyone. All someone has to do is look at her and grin and she lights up. She will smile at everyone, which is obviously so different from Lucy. She is very calm now and is happy on the floor with one or two toys, which allows me to actually get some stuff done around our house. I really am enjoying seeing her personality come through and can't wait to see more. But from the part we know now, I know that her disposition is quite different from Lucy. It is so obvious already. I am really thankful to have two such different girls. It should be fun and I think that they will balance one another out.
I have been terrible about taking pictures lately. I promise to get better soon. This is all I have for today and these are not good pictures at all. She got to go to another birthday party with a pony and she was once again, in heaven. She rode so many times. Her daddy really needs to get her a pony for Christmas. Maybe next year, right honey?
This one is actually from Vietnam. It is blurry, but still cute to me.
Lee Lee walked next to her on the pony. Lee Lee was so scared Lucy was going to fall off of that pony.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
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6:52 PM
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Well I feel so lucky that Miss Lucy took to me! I love that little girl too much and can't wait to meet her little sister! Can't wait to steal some smiles from her just for me! You're doing great Kel! Loves and miss!
Shetland ponies can be stubborn and mean! You can never be too careful! Love the pics and so glad all is going well. I feel sure that you are checking for my comment, so now you can get some much needed sleep! Love and kisses, LeeLee
adorable!!! Love LeeLee's protectiveness :) I just love Lucy's personality and I love how much you embrace it. She reminds me so much of Noah and I wish I had stressed MUCH less about it and just enjoyed it. And it really is fun having kids that are such opposites. It is actually really amazing to me. It shows how little we influence them! ha!
Is that pic of Lucy in Highlands Coffee? Looks like a Highlands Coffee lampshade behind Lucy.
Great update!
Congrautlations!!! I have been so excited reading about your sweet addition to your family. They will love growing up together and always having their bestie right beside them!
All of my children have completely different personalities. It can be difficult at times, but for the most part, it helps us focus on their individualism. My Lu doesn't care to be hovered over by strangers, so I laughed when I read that Lucy "wiped her arm" when someone touched her. That is exactly what Luci does and it come across as very cold. Hey, the girl wants her personal space...back off! Glad everyone is doing well! :)
How fun to have two such different little girls! You get to experience it ALL now.
You are not a bad blogger your just a busy mommy! You are doing a fantastic job!
I can't imagine what life would be like if my sister and I were just alike..Lord help everyone! LOL!
Lucy looks adorable on the pony.
really neat to have different personalities! will be fun to follow along!
I love to have different personalities in the house! I love cautious and I love easy going so you got it made!!! Glad things are going well and I love Lucy in that hat!
Your girls are just so darling...and how fun to have completely different personalities!
Thanks so much for the dress info, too!!
How sweet! Isn't it wonderful that you have both sides of the personality spectrum! What wonderful sisters they will be!
OK Justin, Lucy needs a pony. She looks like a natural. I cannot wait to meet Annie. She sounds like such a sweet little girl. Lucy is too, she is just wisely cautious. You'll get a kick out of this...yesterday we went by the nail place to pick up Nanny. They love Grace and always have to hold her and talk to her in Vietnamese. One lady asked me which one was her Daddy.
Jade and Liam are very different too. Lucy is so brave. Jade would freak if I put her on a horse. Go Lucy!
Annie and Lucy's personalities do sound like night and day- I am sure that will sometimes prove to be difficult but will will also be fun and help them be their own individuals. Aiden and Annie should meet- sound like they have very similar personalities!
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