So I am obviously a little behind here. We have just been having too much fun to find the time to edit pictures and then actually type something out. Let me do a recap of the past week starting off by saying that Lucy is finally 100% well and Annie and I escaped getting even a little ill. YEAH!!! Lucy was fine a few days before Christmas and I have never been so relieved to have her back to her normal self. That was one rough week for my sweet girl.
We started out in OK with Justin's side of the family. Lucy and Austen got so much cool stuff - golf clubs, keyboards, dance cams, Little People sets, etc. Lots and lots of goodies. Annie and Jaksen raked in some great toys also, but Lucy did the honors of opening pretty much everything for the little bitties. Nana and Grandy really went above and beyond in the gift department and the kids were in heaven. Cayce had several fun Christmas activities for Lucy and Austen to do and I was so happy about that because Lucy missed out on all of her fun Christmas things we had planned when we were home. They made Christmas sugar cookies and Christmas placemats. These kinds of things are right up Lucy's alley.
Late Christmas Eve we left OK to head to my parent's house. We have done all of our driving during the girls' bedtime. It has worked out great so far. Annie has slept the entire time and Lucy has slept and watched some movies. We were kind of late getting up Christmas morning because the girls were up so late. Lucy was still kind of asleep when she came down and found her Santa presents. She just sat in Justin's lap and checked everything out. She was definitely happy with what Santa brought her - an ironing board and iron, cash register, broom set, mailbox, etc. Lucy and John played in the toys for a while and we all ate breakfast. Then it was time for all of the presents from this side of the family. Again, a zillion things for all of the kids. It was crazy. Lots of great books, puzzles, dolls, a Barbie laptop, a scooter, and dress up shoes. Lucy just adores opening presents, so she has loved all of this activity.
We have just been playing and having a lot of fun with our families. Lucy has once again, been VERY slow to open up to her cousin, John, but starting yesterday we are seeing some improvement. Annie is the center of attention all of the time and she has just loved it. She is so easy going and relaxed now. Still having sleep issues, but I know that will get better with time. She is such a joy to have around and everyone cannot get enough of her.
I have become 100% obsessed with Rock Band. Seriously, I love it. We all kind of do, except for my mom. Of course Justin rocks out on the drums at expert level and can nail it, but the rest of us are improving. I prefer either the guitar or bass, but I am not scared to belt out the vocals. Let's just say I have no chance at a career as a vocalist! :) It is so much fun and we are all not getting nearly enough sleep because we are staying up late and playing.
Finally and most importantly, yesterday was our 2 year anniversary of Lucy's Giving and Receiving Ceremony in Vietnam. 2 years since the queen of the house moved in. Unbelievable. Life would not be anywhere near as fun without her with us everyday. Lucy, you are funny, intelligent, a great big sister, and our baby girl. We love you so much. You are such a blessing.
I am going to have to break the pictures down into several different posts. I will start with the ones from OK and keep catching up over the next few days. I hope you all had a lovely holiday season filled with love and laughter.
Getting started on the Christmas cookies.
Everyone should try the icing to make sure it is okay. :)
Annie and Jaksen - they are basically the exact same size even though there are almost 5 months between them.
Opening one present the night before - precious jammies and a movie from Nana and Grandy.
Present opening professional.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy 2 Years
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9:06 AM
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Wow! You guys HAVE been super busy. So good to see your post, with all the news of late and photos to go along with them. I'm really happy to know that Lucy is all better, and that you and Annie were able to escape the dreaded funk altogether. Christmas must have been a blast for all the kids. Deciding what to play with next must be pure torture. haha
Oh, you mentioned something about not being a vocalist. Well, Miss P may think otherwise. One of her favorite things to do is watch videos from blogs. There is one of you singing "Old MacDonald" to Lucy and Petunia loves it and sings along. What was uber funny, though, was the time that I joined in and was shushed by my child. So anytime you think about being critical of your singing, just remember this little story. :-)
Kelly--I have and do love everything about Christmas, except hearing the really loud rock band for hours on end! The pics are great--ready for more! Love and kisses, LeeLee
So glad Lucy is feeling better again and how awesome that you and Annie were able to avoid it! Glad you had such a fun Christmas, the pictures are too cute. My favs are Lucy positioning that cookie cutter, and her in the last one with the cute jammies. Oh and you've gotta taste the frosting - as far as I'm concerned, the cookies are simply a vehicle for transporting the frosting!
I have been checking to see if Lucy is ok! I'm so glad she is and that you had a wondeful holiday. Thanh wore the exact same Christmas pajamas as Lucy! Happy Adoption Day!
So glad all is well and everyone is healthy!!! The pics are precious.. I cant wait to see all with you catching us up!
Merry Christmas to your family! I was just checking in on your blog, and I am so happy to hear that things are going great for you all. What a blessing that Annie has adjusted so well! Lucy looks like she is a happy big sissy!
I love your pictures! What a neat picture of the girls in their polka dot jammies. They look so unbelievably happy . . . and loved!
Happy New Year!
Awww, that is so great that you all had a healthy holiday! I wondered! I'm relieved to hear it all went so wonderfully. Sounds like so much fun! Addy got dress up shoes too and has been pretending to be Lucy for days now! She makes us call her Lucy and stomps around in her fancy shoes (memories from Lucy's party!). Let me know when you are up for a visit!
What are you playing rockband on? If it's Wii I will totally play you head to head, girl! LOL I looove Rockband and Guitar Hero but you won't find me on vocals. :P
I'm so glad that Lucy is feeling better - and most importantly that she was feeling better in time for the BIG day!
Looks like you guys had a blast during your'll have to tell Nana and Grandy that we said Hi!
Congrats on Lucy's 2 yr G&R can it be 2 years already. NOT POSSIBLE! :-)
Sounds (and looks) like you all had a great Christmas! Very cute pic's and how lucky little Annie didn't get sick!! It's great to see Lucy looking like her old self again.
Happy Anniversary!!
Can't wait 'till you get us all caught up.
(I can't seem get caught up myself)
(Cute Rock Star story: The kids and I went to a friends 40th b'day party where we were all told to bring our children. There were about 30 kids between 2 and 12. So I had many, many "baby sitters" taking care of my little ones. I decided to check on them and I found them downstairs with RockStar! Jackson was playing the drums and Iz had the mic in her hands and was shaking those little hips of hers. I just hate I didn't have my camera because it was priceless!!!!)
Sounds like so much fun! I've been wondering about you guys. Looks like you guys had a ball. I'm so happy that Annie is home to share the fun with you guys. Perfect timing.
Somewhere in the next sets of pictures don't think that we're not expecting a photograph of the family Rock Band Von Trapp from your house. Seriously. Don't disappoint. Actually, we may have to put your mom in charge of the camera so we can see you in action. Lee lee? You out there?
Looks like you had a great time and I'm sooo happy to hear Lucy is back to her cute self! Happy New Year!
Sounds like it's been a busy Christmas! I love all of the pictures and am so happy to hear Lucy is 100%!
Congratulations on 2 years with Lucy...kind of hard to believe. Why does time have to go so fast!?!
Loved all the pics! Sounds like Christmas was perfect!!
So glad Lucy is all better!! :)
Love Lucy pj's---adorable.
Miss Annie is cute as ever!
Happy New Year!
i love lucy's concentration in the pic where she is cutting out the cookie. it is a serious job!:)
i know you are grateful you and annie didnt catch the sickness. is mothering when you are sick not so hard? something awful went on in our house and i am still suffering.
glad yall had a merry christmas and happy 2 year anniversary. cant believe it!
Merry Christmas! Wow, TWO YEARS!?!
What a wonderful Christmas! Life has just been nonstop for you for the last few months - I bet you'll be glad for a chance to catch your breath after the New Year!
Oh, and hubby got Guitar Hero for Christmas, and we've both been having a blast with it!!! Big fun!!
Oh, I am so happy you are all back to normal! Love Lucy's polka dot pj's... if you have time, would you mind telling me where they are from?
jeff_keri at yahoo
thanks! ;)
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