I too am taking Jenn's challenge to express what I am thankful for. There are literally so many things, that I am just going to make a top ten list.1. Justin, my husband. We have been through a lot together, and I am thankful for each and every moment we have had together. Even the bad times, because every time we have come out of the situation as a stronger and better couple. I am thankful for how much he loves me and Lucy. We are lucky to have him in our lives. He is going to be such a wonderful dad.
2. Lucy, our beautiful daughter. We love our girl so much without even meeting her yet. I am thankful that we were blessed enough to be given this amazing pumpkin as our referral. I am thankful that she looks healthy and strong in her pictures. Most of all, I am thankful that we get to be her mom and dad.
3. Family. Justin and I both come from loving, strong, wonderful, and caring families. We have parents who would do anything in the world for us. We have sisters who are the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
4. My dogs. My dogs mean so much to me. Bruiser and Bianca keep me company when I am alone. They ALWAYS want to cuddle. They never let us down. I love my dogs.
5. Friends. Our friends have been so supportive throughout this whole adoption. I have had to really lean on some of them throughout all of this. I have made new lifelong friends through the adoption process. Thank you to all of you who comment, give advice, and just listen to me. You are all immensely important to me. What would I do without the amazing friends I have? Thank you thank you thank you. I love you all.
6. The Razorbacks being so good at football this year. Yes, I realize this is not that important, but it is to me and the entire state of Arkansas, which is where I grew up. WOOOOOOO PIG SOOOIE!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Our adoption agency. No matter how frustrated I get with them on some days because I can't get a hold of anyone on the phone, the fact of the matter is, they brought us to Lucy. I am eternally grateful to them for that.
8. Health. Justin and I are both extremely healthy. Health is something that so many people take for granted until it is taken away. I try and thank God everyday for making us happy, healthy individuals.
9. Our church. Since moving to Dallas, we have found the most amazing church. Every Sunday I sit in the service feeling like the sermon is directed straight at me. I take away so much from every week. I love our church. It is a wonderful place to raise Lucy.
10. Our jobs. Justin has a job that he absolutely loves. Not many people get to have a job that they truly want to do and get paid to do it. Justin is so talented and gets to use his talents in such a productive way. Because of Justin's job, I get to become a stay at home mom with Lucy. I have always dreamed of being a full time mom, and I actually get to. I am so thankful that I will be the one teaching her most of what she learns as a young child.
I really am so blessed. I try and be thankful for how lucky I am everyday.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Giving Thanks
Posted by
10:14 AM
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I am so glad you get to stay home with Lucy!!! It killed me when I added it up and realized how little time I will be spending with my baby. I am so excited for you.
Go Justin, way to take care of your girls! What a great daddy.
You do have a lot to be thankful for!! We all do. Congrats on being a SAHM..I am still working toward that..some day : )
You are so truly blessed! :) Great pictures, too. I'm so happy you will be a SAHM. It's tiring, but so rewarding and wonderful :)
Well said! God Bless you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving! We will actually be in your neck of the woods for the holiday. Michael's family is in the Ft. Worth area. Maybe we can plan a time to get our girls together this spring.
You are blessed. And all of us who know you are blessed to know you. Great to know you get to be a SAHM....I will be a WAHM, which is not as good as a SAHM, but still, a dream come true!
happy thanksgiving! thanks for all your comments on my blog and for sharing your adoption journey with the rest of us in blogland!
What wonderful blessings you have and what a great idea for a post!
I am so happy that your adoption is moving along and that your dreams are coming true!
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